Mark Your Calendar: 10 Historical Anniversaries to Commemorate in 2025
Here’s our rundown of the biggest moments from history to look back on in 2025.

Is the Loch Ness Monster Real? – A Fun Guide to the Mystery & History of the Loch Ness Monster
Is the Loch Ness monster a dinosaur, a water spirit or just a big fish? Who first spotted Nessie? And just how big is Loch Ness anyway?

Weird & Wonderful Pets From History - Fun Facts For Kids
April is National Pet month in the UK and to celebrate, we’ve put together a list of weird, wonderful and all-round famous pets from history

Who Invented The Teddy Bear - A Fun Guide
Its the 120th anniversary of the teddy bear. We take a look at the teddy bear's history, where it got its name and when it was invented.

5 Exciting & Unusual Birds From Ancient Mythology
Taking part in the RSPB's Big Garden Bird Watch this year? Here are 5 mythological birds you're unlikely to spot in your garden this year!

The History of the Pancake - A Fun Guide
We love pancakes (who doesn't?) and it turns out people from ancient history loved them too!

History of Valentine's Day - A Fun Guide for Kids
Many of us are familiar with this romantic celebration on February 14th. But when and why did this sickly-sweet festival begin?