How Did Tutankhamun Die? Myth Buster for Kids
Updated: Jun 20, 2023

New theories about how the boy-king, Tutankhamun, actually met his premature end crop up on a regular basis. The truth is, nobody knows for certain how he died. In fact, historians don't know how most Pharaohs died, but, thanks to Tutankhamun's enduring popularity, there are lots of ideas about how he popped his sandals.
Here are the most popular running theories:
He was assassinated by his successor.
He was chomped on by a vicious animal while out hunting.
He was run over by a rogue chariot whilst out enjoying the much-loved Egyptian sport of Chariot Racing.
He had a large number of Genetic Diseases which caused him ill health and, eventually, death.
He was at war and was involved in an accident with a chariot.
What do you think?
Check out what Howard Carter found in Tutankhamun's tomb when he discovered it in 1922 to help you with your theories.
Also, here's a breakdown of Tutankhamun's injuries that were found using X-Ray:
A stone chip in his head.
Massive damage to his ribs and pelvis.
His heart was missing - very unusual, most mummified Pharaohs were left with their hearts.
A fracture on his left thigh bone.
There were many walking sticks found in the tomb - did Tutankhamun have difficulty walking?
How do you think Tutankhamun died? Be sure to let us know your theories!
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Further Reading: