Mummifying A Pharaoh - A Step-By-Step Guide To Egyptian Mummification For Kids - Part 1 of 12
Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Imagine this; you live in Ancient Egypt and your Pharaoh just died. Of course you’ll need some time to grieve the loss of your almighty leader (or to celebrate, if it turns out your Pharaoh is a big ol’ butt head and you’re totally glad they’re gone). But don’t let the memorials and dedications get in the way of the most important job now that they’re departed. It’s time to do some mummification!
Step 1 - Proper Preparation For Mummifying a Pharaoh
My gran always told me to stick to the "Seven P's"; Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Poor Performance (wait, that's six P's). So that's what step 1 is all about, preparing you for this tricky (and, to be brutally honest, really kind of gross!) journey of Egyptian Mummification.
No Cheap Burials Here:
Luckily for our recently-deceased Pharaoh, they were proper rich. So they’ll receive the best of the best when it comes to the embalming process. Of course there were other options for those who had dead relatives and were less wealthy. But just a word of warning; best not to economise when it comes to embalming. If your dead relative felt that you were scrimping on their burial rituals, they were totally allowed to come and haunt you afterwards! No joke. But that shouldn’t be the case with our supremely powerful (and supremely rich) Pharaoh.
Make Sure You Get It Right (No Pressure):

If we want to make sure you definitely don’t get a visit from beyond the grave by a super grumpy Pharaoh-ghost, it’s very important we get the embalming right. After all, the Pharaoh’s spirit, or life force, will need to return to their physical body every night to receive “new life” (I know, a strange phrase considering they’re very dead at this point). In short, the Pharaoh can’t achieve eternal life in the afterlife if we make a mess of their dead body! I take it back, that's a lot of pressure. So let’s make sure you know what to do when it comes to Egyptian Mummification.
Luckily for you, we've put together a step-by-step guide to Ancient Egyptian Mummification. This in-depth guide will take you through each part of the process in detail. But don't worry, we've broken it down into handy bitesize chunks for you. Each section is linked for you below. And you'll be happy to hear that we've thrown in a good measure of chucklesome bits to keep you entertained throughout:
Our Step-By-Step Guide To Egyptian Mummification For Kids:
Step 1 - Proper Preparation For Mummifying A Pharaoh (that's what you're reading right now, you're already here!)
Step 5 - Packing The Body With Natron (coming 2nd September 2024)
Step 6 - What To Do With The Heart (coming 30th September 2024)
Step 7 - The Organs And Canopic Jars (coming 21st October 2024)
Step 8 - Wrapping The Body (coming 11th November 2024)
Step 9 - Adding Amulets (coming 25th November 2024)
Step 10 - The Sarcophagus (coming 9th December 2024)
Step 11 - Tomb Treasure (coming 23rd December 2024)
Step 12 - Opening Of The Mouth Ceremony (coming 30th December 2024)